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Why parents are more paranoid than ever

Originally published in The New York Post, 3/31/18 By Lenore Skenazy Utah just became the first state in America to pass the so-called “Free-Range Parenting” bill, named for the movement I founded. It declares that parents can’t be arrested for negligence just because they let their kids play outside, walk to school or wait briefly in…

Libertarian Insanity

Steven H. Nemerovski Originally published October, 2018 Whether or not the thought originally came from Einstein, there is a great deal of sagacity in the suggestion that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Which then begs the question as to whether or not the Libertarian Party needs to get out…

The Fate of Civilization Depends on Music

by Scott McRae and Ryan Rapsys of Music for Liberty While the political makeup of the attendees at FreedomFest is about as diverse as the face of America, the core principle that ostensibly unites us is a reverence for Liberty: people should be free to pursue whatever they perceive as the Good as long as…

Treatment or Cure for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and MS?

Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis: Is Angiogenesis a Treatment or Even a Cure? By Dr. Jack Jacobs A healthy and intact vascular system in the brain is critical for normal human functioning, both motor and cognitive. Any disruption in the brain’s blood perfusion system can lead to dire consequences, as the brain neurons are deprived of…