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Yes– in MY Back Yard!

I need a land line. Don’t get me wrong; I’m into big tech. I use my pocket-sized computer about 9 hours a day, according to Apple’s built-in surveillance report, (which I never asked for and would be perfectly happy never to see again. It’s as bad as having to see the calorie-count when I’m standing…

Trigger Warnings, Safe Spaces, and Callout Culture: What’s Happening on College Campuses, and Can It Be Changed?

“This is a book about education and wisdom. If we can educate the next generation more wisely, they will be stronger, richer, more virtuous, and even safer.” This is the optimistic goal and tconclusion of The Coddling of the America Mind by Greg Lukianoff, president of FIRE (the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) and…

A Tribute to Andrea Rich

For nearly half a century, Andrea and Howie Rich were the dynamic duo of libertarianism. They met while serving in the New York Libertarian Party in 1973, Andrea as its first chairman and Howie as vice chairman. While Howie worked tirelessly for the cause of term limits and as the longest serving member of the…